“- I am going to school, my teacher gave me an assignment, if you can help me with the performance task, I would be very grateful right away.”‘- My task is as follows: Explain the existence of God through examples from nature.”- Mi tarea es la siguiente: Explicar la existencia de Dios a través de ejemplos de la naturaleza.’
“Dear brother/sister,”
– There is something that proves the full existence of Allah:
“No book is written without a writer. Therefore, there must be someone who has written the book of Nature, and that is God. In the same way, no needle is formed without a master. So, this creation/Nature also has a master, who is God.”
“Organización de los elementos en Tabiatta según un propósito. Por ejemplo; la existencia del oxígeno, el agua, los alimentos y la luz, que son vitales para los seres humanos, demuestran que hay un creador con atributos infinitos como sabiduría, conocimiento, poder, misericordia y voluntad detrás de este trabajo. El diseño inteligente demuestra la existencia de un creador con estos atributos.”
“Para crear un gran árbol de higo y su fruto que cuelga de él, del tamaño de una semilla de higo, que no puede ser el trabajo de esa semilla, fue creado por Allah, poseedor de conocimiento y poder infinitos.”
“Keza, creating dozens of corn cobs from a single corn grain, and hundreds of grains of corn in each cob, when the corn grain does not have this ability, is undoubtedly the work of Allah.”
“Para que un ser humano pueda ver, necesita el sol; para que su oído pueda escuchar, necesita el aire; para que sus pulmones puedan respirar, necesita oxígeno. Esta situación claramente demuestra que hay una estrecha conexión entre el sol, la atmósfera, el oxígeno y los órganos humanos.”
“Whoever has created the cold, has also created the sun. Whoever has created the ear, has also created the atmosphere. Whoever has created the lungs, has also created oxygen. Giving all of these things to someone other than Allah, who possesses infinite knowledge, wisdom and power, is undoubtedly impossible.”
“Due to the relationship between human anatomy and the different benefits created according to living conditions, it is necessary to believe without a doubt that its only creator is God, since there is no place for chance or causes in this relationship.”
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“Saludos y oraciones…””Questions about Islam” traducido al español sería: “Preguntas sobre el Islam”