“Dear brother,”
“La creencia del ser humano es una característica del corazón. La creencia en Dios de los judíos se expresa principalmente en forma de forma. Mientras que en los cristianos, se expresa más en forma de intercesión de Jesús. En el Corán, se menciona tanto que Dios existe como que es existente.” “Human belief is a characteristic of the heart. The belief in God of the Jews is mainly expressed in the form of form. While in Christians, it is expressed more in the form of Jesus’ intercession. In the Quran, it is mentioned both that God exists and that He is existing.”
“Imam al-Ghazali, also known as, wrote this work. Nowadays, the need for such works is evident due to the hesitation and deviation in matters of beliefs of many people with important titles who should have a good understanding of Islam. For example, to claim based on the Quran is a slander against the Quran and God.”
“Decir algo sobre Mevlâna y Bediüzzaman en cuestiones religiosas sin tener conocimiento es pura ignorancia.”
“Ver a otro como un sustituto es una completa distorsión…” “Seeing someone else as a substitute is a complete distortion…”
“Saludos y plegarias…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”