“Dear brother/sister,”
“Without the revelation of Allah, neither angels, nor humans, nor genies can know the hidden. It is impossible for genies to know this.”
“- The Quran also challenges humans to the genies. If there was a genie teaching the Quran, other genies would oppose and present something similar. This is because, just like humans, genies do not always agree on everything and they envy and hate each other.”
“- If this Quran was not from Allah, it would certainly be full of many contradictions. This is because the knowledge of the djinns is also limited. In fact, in many ways they are more ignorant than humans. To attribute something to the djinns is a great ignorance.”
“- Hz. Muhammad (as), is a very intelligent, cunning and broad-minded person thanks to the alliance of friends and enemies. By expressing these concerns when facing the revelation for the first time, he demonstrates his state of alertness. Finally, he himself became more familiar with the subject. No demon can take the form of Gabriel; they do not have that ability.”
“However, during 23 years, not realizing that you are playing with yourself is something that the mind cannot accept.” “Sin embargo, durante 23 años, no darse cuenta de que estás jugando contigo mismo es algo que la mente no puede aceptar.”
‘- According to the expression of the honorable Bediüzzaman:”- Según la expresión del honorable Bediüzzaman:’
No se puede traducir ya que solo es un punto.
“- Además, ¿podríamos explicarlo claramente? Porque si este asunto es un juego de genios, no sería posible para un genio hacer que el Profeta Muhammad (que la paz sea con él) fuera de Meca a Jerusalén y de regreso en una sola noche, o que ascendiera a los cielos y regresara. En este caso, sería una noticia falsa.” “- Además, ¿podríamos explicarlo claramente? Porque si este asunto es un juego de genios, no sería posible para un genio hacer que el Profeta Muhammad (que la paz sea con él) fuera de Meca a Jerusalén y de regreso en una sola noche, o que ascendiera a los cielos y regresara. En este caso, sería una noticia falsa.”
“Let’s imagine that the demon lied, invented this event; so, is it something that a person like the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who has become famous by presenting this lie as if it were true, would do?”
“- Keza, even though it is almost impossible for geniuses to present a unique book like the Quran, let’s suppose that this is also a possibility. But does this possibility really have any value?”
“No, no tiene ningún valor. Porque;”
“The rule is a scientific principle. There is no sign of this possibility here.”
“According to this possibility, the one who invents the Quran is a rider or a disbeliever, or a believer.”
“Si eres un incrédulo, no puedes imaginarte que un jinn incrédulo sirva a la religión. Porque los jinn incrédulos son enemigos de la religión, al igual que los humanos incrédulos.”
“Si this being is a believer, it is unimaginable that he would rise up and defame God, attributing an invented book to Him. Because it cannot be explained with reason that someone who believes in God would commit such a great crime and maintain it for 23 years.”
“Hazrat Muhammad (que la paz sea con él), ha mostrado cientos de milagros como este.”
“Estos milagros son respaldados por pruebas sólidas y confiables de las fuentes más confiables. Son señales de profecía.”
“Saludos y bendiciones con oración…””Preguntas sobre el islam”