“Dear brother/sister,”
“- We must not drown ourselves in a matter that is not entirely clear. This is a reality that encompasses the infinite wisdom of God. God possesses infinite knowledge. Infinite knowledge means that He encompasses everything. There is nothing outside of God’s knowledge, including the issue of Jews changing the book. In fact, to think otherwise and say that God does not know certain things is to attribute ignorance to Him, and from the perspective of Islam, it is considered blasphemy. Furthermore, the wonderful paintings, flashes of wisdom, and rays of knowledge contained in this universe that extends to infinity refute such a claim.”
“- On the path of God -let them not change -“
“Dios no prueba a las personas según su infinito conocimiento, sino para demostrar su justicia y cumplir su palabra. Aquellos que son sometidos a pruebas y aquellos de los que se toma la palabra, actúan según sus propias mentes y voluntades libres, no de acuerdo al conocimiento oculto de Dios del cual no tienen conocimiento, y por lo tanto son responsables del resultado de sus acciones.”
“El conocimiento de Allah es eterno y esencial, por lo tanto nunca se separa de Allah. Con este conocimiento, Allah sabe lo que le sucederá a cada persona, quién irá al paraíso y quién irá al infierno. Si consideramos que este conocimiento infinito abarca todo, entonces debemos creer en la necesidad de que ninguna persona sea sometida a una prueba en este mundo. Sin embargo, esto es claramente un error.” El conocimiento de Allah es eterno y esencial, por lo tanto nunca se separa de Allah. Con este conocimiento, Allah sabe lo que le sucederá a cada persona, quién irá al paraíso y quién irá al infierno. Si consideramos que este conocimiento infinito abarca todo, entonces debemos creer en la necesidad de que ninguna persona sea sometida a una prueba en este mundo. Sin embargo, esto es claramente un error.
“• Science does not have a coercive function, rather it is a mechanism that follows how things will happen. Because God’s science is eternal, it encompasses all times at once. Therefore, there are no consecutive chains of time in terms of past, present and future. It sees, encompasses and understands everything at the same time, yesterday, tomorrow, today.”
• God’s orders and prohibitions are not based on His unlimited knowledge, but on the free will of human beings subject to trial. The positive or negative outcome of their application is the responsibility of the individual human being. Even though we may know in advance the final situation of a student at the beginning of the school year, it is necessary not to settle for that information and, in the name of justice, bring them to school along with other students to undergo a practical exam and then give them a grade. This is necessary to maintain divine wisdom and justice in consideration.
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“Greetings and prayers…” = “Saludos y oraciones…””FAQ sobre el Islam”