“Dear brother/sister,”
“En su obra titulada “El psicólogo suizo”, el autor afirma que todos los niños normales, al llegar a cierta edad, tienen una cierta creencia innata que les es propia. En la formación de estas creencias primitivas, tanto la sociedad como la conciencia, la percepción y la imaginación del individuo juegan un papel importante. Es posible que el niño mismo determine el contenido de los conceptos religiosos que adquiere de la sociedad. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, puede observar contradicciones entre la sociedad y sí mismo, y adaptarse a nuevas situaciones. Según lo que aprendemos del honorable Profeta (la paz sea con él):”
(See community)
“Many experts and thinkers have researched about children. One of them is an American philosopher. He has examined the memories and behaviors of a deaf and mute child named Ballard, who did not receive any education until the age of eleven, in order to understand how he develops without society’s intervention. After receiving a good education, this child summarized his thoughts and feelings before his education in the following way:”
“Sometimes we went for a walk with my father. Nature and landscapes impressed me a lot. Even though I couldn’t speak or write, I could think. I would ask myself: ‘
“En particular, no podría encontrar una respuesta a esta pregunta. Pensaría y pensaría, me rendiría y después de un tiempo, volvería a la misma cuestión.” “En particular, I could not find an answer to this question. I would think and think, I would give up and after a while, I would come back to the same issue.”
“Many psychologists have researched this topic and have reached similar results. It has been understood that even from an early age, children have curiosity about the universe and nature, and ask the same questions we have mentioned before. This is something inherent to the human being. As you can see, these questions not only occupy the minds of thinkers and philosophers, but also of children, young adults, and adults.”
Nuestro noble y sagrado libro, el Sagrado Corán, describe maravillosamente cómo el gran Profeta Abraham (as) en su juventud buscaba al Creador Supremo en las estrellas, la luna y el sol, y cómo finalmente superó todo esto y voló con éxito.
“Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”