“Dear brother/sister,”
“Este hadiz promueve el hambre y la sed.”
“Sí, el Señor Profeta, que la paz y las bendiciones de Alá sean con él, tiene recomendaciones sobre la comida y la bebida. Incluso se considera obligatorio que uno coma y beba solo lo necesario. Él aconseja evitar llenar el estómago en exceso y no dormir en exceso.”
“Se sugiere medir la cantidad de comida y bebida, en otras palabras.”
“However, disciplined and pious individuals have tried to control their desires and get used to patience through eating and drinking in small quantities. They have considered this necessary for their spiritual evolution. They have also tried to keep their body light for their spiritual progress.”
“As it is known, as the physical body weakens, spiritual feelings rise. The wise say that the most effective way to discipline the instigating ego of evil is to leave it hungry and thirsty in a way that does not harm health.”
“El honorable Bediüzzaman hace la siguiente declaración sobre este tema como una interpretación:”
“Like the pharaoh, he wants to accept himself as his own god. Even if he is subjected to many torments, that vein remains in him. Only hunger can break that vein. Hunger directly hits the pharaonic front of the soul and breaks it. It teaches him his impotence, weakness and poverty. It shows him that he is not a god, but a servant.”
“Todos los amigos de los derechos han hecho del hambre su compañero y solo han alcanzado los niveles espirituales a través de la escalera del hambre.”
“Let us also state that, if the words expressed as hadith are in contradiction with scientific facts, then either the hadith is not authentic, or it has not been understood correctly, or the mentioned scientific facts must be reconsidered. This is because the Messenger of Allah speaks with revelation and inspiration.”
“Con saludos y oraciones…” = “With greetings and prayers…””Questions about Islam” –> “Preguntas sobre el Islam”