Matüridiler, “Peygamber gönderilmese de insanlar Allah’ın varlığını akıllarıyla bilmek zorundadır.” derken, Eş’ariler “zorunda değildir” diyor. Fıkhi noktada mezhepelrin ihtilafı teferruata dair iken, iman konusu gibi ehem bir mevzuda ihtilaf nasıl oluyor? Yani; elçi gönderilmeyen bir kimse Allah’ı bilmezse Mâtüridilere göre kaybetmiş, Eş’arilere göre kurtulmuş mu oluyor?
“Dear brother,”
“Estos individuos también han realizado ijtihad basándose en el significado que han entendido de los versos y hadices.” “Estas personas también han realizado ijtihad basándose en la comprensión que tienen de los versos y hadices.”
“La persona que no ha sido informada del verdadero camino de Dios será salvada si lo conoce, pero si no lo conoce, estará perdida. Aunque no haya recibido el mensaje del verdadero camino, no será responsable”.
“Both have evidence they rely on. However, only God knows the truth of the matter. Additionally, human capabilities can also be determining factors here. For example, the circumstances of two individuals who have not received the notification may not be the same. One may have had the opportunity to investigate but did not, while the other did not have the chance to investigate at all. Their responsibility will be different. God will judge this with his justice.”
Haz clic aquí para obtener información adicional:
“¿Es it’s responsible for those who do not know Islam, that is, the non-believers?””¿Es responsabilidad de aquellos que no conocen el Islam, es decir, los no creyentes?”
“Greetings and prayers…” = “Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”