“Dear brother/sister,”
“No solo a las partes visibles de Malumun,” significa “Not only to the visible parts of Malumun,” en inglés.
“According to God, He knows as He knows, He also knows. All these divine knowledge occur according to the rules.” “Según Dios, Él sabe como sabe, también conoce. Todos estos conocimientos divinos ocurren de acuerdo con las reglas.”
“Si en el entendimiento de Dios, eso implica que no puede ser aceptado ni de manera racional, ni en términos de conocimiento ni religiosamente.”
“However, let us leave this matter in the hands of the statements of Bediüzzaman Hazretler, who possesses external and internal knowledge. Let’s see what he says; let’s listen and try to understand.”
“Yani, what will happen, will happen with reason. Therefore, it should not be said: “If the death of such person is destined to such hour. What fault does the man who shot the rifle with his own will have? If he had not shot, he would still die.”
“Because destiny has determined their death with their own weapon. Whether you imagine destiny as a separate cause or as something denied by the Mutazilis, if you leave the community of true belief and join a deviant group. Therefore, we, the followers of truth, say: “If they had not fired the weapon, their death would be unknown to us.” The fatalist says: “Even if they had not fired, they would have died anyway.” The Mutazilis say: “If they had not fired, they would not have died…”
“True knowledge is divided into two parts.”
“Parte externa del cuerpo, también llamada externo.”
“Scientificamente conocido por su efecto en el cuerpo.”
“Esta etiqueta contiene información presente (que ya existe) y futura (que estará presente) que abarca tanto el cuerpo externo como el conocimiento corporal.”
“Esto significa que el conocimiento eterno e infinito de Dios también abarca cosas que no existen actualmente, pero que existirán en el futuro, y de esta manera las incluye en su propio conocimiento.”
“Por ejemplo, también incluye eventos futuros hasta en los detalles más finos y es conocido por ello.” “For example, it also includes future events down to the smallest details and is known for it.”
“However, the quality of knowledge does not have a coercive power like the quality of power. The rule is meant to declare this truth.”
“Las siguientes declaraciones de ‘Üstad’ también respaldan lo que hemos dicho:”
“Individual human will and freedom are sometimes weak, they are an apparent command, but God, the Absolute Wise, has made that weak individual will a common condition for universal will. This means in spiritual terms:”
“Saludos y bendiciones con oraciones…” = “Greetings and blessings with prayers…””Questions about Islam” = “Preguntas sobre el Islam”