“¿Llegará un momento en el que la fe de una persona se vaya sin que se dé cuenta? ¿Puedes explicar el hadiz de que la fe se va de él como una camisa se quita?”

Fundamentos de la Fe

‘Detalle de la pregunta’

“Un unbeliever becomes a believer by uttering the word of unity (shahada), but a believer can become an unbeliever by uttering a word. The faith of the one who uses words that lead to unbelief goes away without their knowledge. In a hadith, it has been said that there will come a time when a person’s faith will go away without their knowledge. However, their faith will have gone away like a shirt that is taken off. (Deylemi) How does a person’s faith go away without their knowledge according to this hadith?”


“Dear brother/sister,”

“Este tema ha sido trasladado junto con sus respuestas y comentarios, haz clic para leer…”

“Saludos y oraciones…” se traduce como “Greetings and prayers…” en inglés.”Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Islam”

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