“Dear brother/sister,”
“- In the history of Islam, imitation has existed since ancient times in all areas.” “- En la historia del Islam, la imitación ha existido desde tiempos antiguos en todas las áreas.”
“- Not only in Sufism, but also in disciplines such as jurisprudence, theology and exegesis, there is the concept of imitation.” “- No solo en el sufismo, sino también en disciplinas como la jurisprudencia, la teología y la exégesis, existe el concepto de imitación.”
“For this reason, we cannot say that Sufism emerged to break away from this imitation or falsehood. In addition, in Sufism, the principle of submitting without hesitation, objection or resistance to one’s master is very important.”
“- Truly, it is essential.”
“During the era of happiness, this piety was manifested in all areas of life. Over time, society moved away from breathing the religious atmosphere in social life.”
“Proteger completamente en un ambiente como este se ha vuelto cada vez más difícil. Esto se debe a que se han creado entornos que atraen los deseos de la mente y el corazón, que seducen a la pasión y los deseos del ego.”
“In the face of this situation, some people believed that they could reach this level by fighting against the nafs, considered the greatest enemy in Islam, and sought ways to achieve it.”
“Here is Sufism, which has emerged as a result of this obligation.” “Aquí está el sufismo, que ha surgido como resultado de esta obligación.”
– Similar obligations have also been manifested in other areas of Islamic discipline. In order to protect against erroneous ideas from different sects, it has also been applied in disciplines such as hadith, tafsir, jurisprudence, and theology, which represent the Ehl-i Sunnet and Yamaat.
Aunque no es un término, siempre ha estado presente en la práctica de la vida en la historia del Islam. Sin embargo, el concepto de sufismo ha sido evaluado dentro de una disciplina profesional.
“In this sense, it can be said that the Sufi discipline of religious orders did not arise as a reaction against other disciplines of Islam, but as a response to an emerging need.”
“Saludos y oraciones…” se traduce como “Greetings and prayers…” en español.”Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Islam”