¿Es la esencia y atributos de Allah infinitamente hermosa?

Allah (Glorificado y Exaltado Sea)

“Detalles de la pregunta”

“Dear brother,”

“Esta belleza no es física. Porque Dios está libre de la materialidad. Sin embargo, la verdad que es desconocida para nosotros, la esencia de los nombres y atributos de Dios, es una belleza y perfección que no podemos comprender.” Esta belleza no es física. Dios está más allá de lo material. Sin embargo, la verdad que es desconocida para nosotros, la esencia de los nombres y atributos de Dios, es una belleza y perfección que no podemos entender.

“- It is a well-known fact that beauty is not limited to physical appearance. There is no doubt that spiritual beauty and the perfection of great Islamic scholars, Sufis, and saints whom we are attracted to, are of a spiritual nature. Their morals, knowledge, and other spiritual aspects make them considered beautiful.”

“Como este, sin duda no hay duda de que Allah, quien posee infinita grandeza y magnificencia, infinito conocimiento y sabiduría, y infinito poder y soberanía, es incomparable en belleza y perfección.”

“- The infinite greatness and majesty of Allah; unique, without equal, who needs no helper, creator of all things by himself, who keeps everything standing at all times, who with the secret of his dominion has all things in his wisdom and power, and transforms them like a slingshot with his fingers, are the titles of his singularity.”

“Keza, these are the titles that demonstrate the great position and the unique morality that it possesses, such as infinite mercy, grace, forgiveness, tolerance, generosity, benefit, and blessings that it shows towards its servants without expecting anything in return.”

“- In reality, these are the most beautiful and concise words that express the greatness and majesty of Allah. Yes, they are words that proclaim that there is no flaw or imperfection in Him; that He is the only source of all blessings and goodness, and that He is the only and greatest unmatched one who proclaims the greatness and majesty of Allah with very concise titles.”

“Como seres humanos, somos incapaces de expresar la infinitud de los atributos de Dios. Solo podemos contemplar esta verdad desde lejos a través de la ventana de estos conceptos únicos al pensar en ellos.” “As humans, we are unable to express the infinity of God’s attributes. We can only contemplate this truth from afar through the window of these unique concepts by thinking about them.”

“Saludos y oraciones…” = “Greetings and prayers…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”

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