“¿Es cierto que las puertas y ventanas se abren en la hora de la bendición para que entren las provisiones?”

Fundamentos de la Fe


“Dear brother/sister,”

“Because the world is a place of wisdom, it is useful to talk about these things from the perspective of wisdom.”

“During this distribution process, it is necessary for the person to be awake and perform the necessary work at that time.”

“Esta etiqueta es una súplica para solicitar que la provisión sea distribuida a tiempo. De lo contrario, simplemente abrir una puerta o ventana no tendría sentido. La provisión no llega de forma extraordinaria.”

“It is evident that those who sleep at this hour and do not take the necessary measures will have a lack in their sustenance.”

Haz clic aquí para obtener más información:

– Is the best time of night the moment of sunrise? At what exact time is this moment?

“- Is it harmful to health and religiously inappropriate to sleep after the morning prayer and between the afternoon prayer and the call to the night prayer (fajr, zuhr and isha)?”

“Con saludos y oraciones…” = “With greetings and prayers…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”

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