“¿Qué se necesita hacer para dejar de fumar o ayudar a alguien a dejar de fumar?”

Ser Humano


“Dear brother,”

“Puedes decir mucho sobre esto. Sin embargo, consideramos apropiado destacar algunos aspectos en forma de títulos:”

“Everything that is given to human beings is a trust for them. Doing things that harm this trust makes them responsible before the One who gave them that trust. Therefore, damaging Allah’s property without His permission is not correct. The better we know the true owner and proprietor of everything, Allah, and follow His permissions, the faster we will leave these habits behind.”

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” We must behave appropriately to deserve tranquility. Therefore, we must be careful not to engage in habits that are not appropriate according to our religion, as they go against that tranquility.”

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“Los hábitos como fumar provocan desperdicio.”

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“It is inappropriate to put our health at risk with a habit that causes dozens of diseases like smoking.”

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“Smoking habit, like that of other people, can be annoying and a lack of respect towards their rights and well-being. Consequently, one is morally responsible for any harm caused by smoking. This implies that one must reconcile with those who feel bothered by cigarette smoke.”

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“En este sentido, es necesario utilizar aromas agradables en lugar de desagradables para que los santos benditos no se alejen de nosotros.”

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“¿Está prohibido fumar?”

“Con saludos y oraciones…””Islam explicado a través de preguntas”

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