“Dear brother/sister,”
– It is certainly impossible to find scientific evidence that Amenophis was the first to assert the unity of God. This is because, according to revealed religions and in particular the Quran, which has always demonstrated its miraculous nature.
“- The assertion of attributing the belief of Amenophis, which has been taught by thousands of evidence in our possession and by 124,000 prophets and millions of scholars who have followed his path throughout the history of mankind, is the most ignorant and repulsive lie in the world.”
“¿Deberíamos creer en un libro que ha sido desafiado por todos durante aproximadamente 15 siglos, que proclama que no hay nada similar a él y cuya afirmación ha sido confirmada por la historia / el tiempo, o deberíamos creer en las tonterías de algunos ateos… ¡seamos justos!”
“Incluso considerar la posibilidad de algo como esto,” se traduce al español como “Incluso pensar en la posibilidad de algo como esto,”
“Saludos y plegarias…””Islam a través de preguntas”