“¿Qué debemos hacer para contribuir a la vida espiritual de la oración de Celcelutiye?”

Súplica (Du'a)

‘Detalles de la pregunta’

“- It is said that beyond a poem, the Celcelutiyen contains secrets, and that the secret of the Fatiha, the secret of the heavens and the earth, and the secret of places are all kept in the Celcelutiyen. It is also said that in order to pass through these places on the path without getting lost or falling into deviation, it is necessary to engage with the relevant verses of the poem. It is also added that the verses and characteristics that are beneficial against difficulties in the market are only a part of the benefits of the Celcelutiyen.”- According to Imam Gazali (may Allah have mercy on him), Ibn Arabi (may Allah have mercy on him), Imam Buni (may Allah have mercy on him), and personalities like Bediüzzaman (may Allah have mercy on him), they explained the methodology of the Celcelutiya and how they applied their spiritual path. What are the verses recited during the spiritual path? How are the secrets of the earth and the heavens explained in the Celcelutiya and what is the connection with the Fatiha?


“Dear brother/sister,”

“- As we can see, in the practice of Seyrü süluk (spiritual journey), there is no special record to maintain the direction and avoid making mistakes. There are some notes about the characteristics of this poem that can be used written in certain VEFKs (talisman), but it is expected for this to happen. In Gazali’s explanation, more details about this topic can be found.”

“In Ibn Arabî’s explanation, it has been pointed out.”

“A veces es beneficioso leer completamente ciertos materiales impresos.”

“- According to us, it is “dir”. This sentence of 19 verses is read 19 times in one place. Bediüzzaman Hazretleri has always read this sentence with this purpose.”

“La importante lección que enfatiza Celcelutiye es este SEKİNE que contiene el Isma-i Azam.” “La lección importante que enfatiza Celcelutiye es que SEKİNE contiene el Isma-i Azam.”

“En efecto, el señor Bediüzzaman ha mencionado que en el verso de Hz. Ali Celcelutiye, se dirige constantemente a aquellos que recitan esta SEKİNE para protegerse de las pruebas de esta era.”

“Por lo tanto, según nosotros, la mejor lección es recitar esta oración 19 (diecinueve) veces al día.”

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