“¿Do they become happy and calm because they are purifying their souls and paying the price for their mistakes?”
“Dear brother/sister,”
“Cada parte física y espiritual tiene su propia recompensa, al igual que su propia pena. Esto refleja la amplia gama de justicia divina que se manifiesta.”
“Por ejemplo, así como un ojo o un oído que obedecen a Dios tienen una recompensa especial en el paraíso, también tienen un castigo especial en el infierno.”
“An individual with faith in God, a heart that loves God, a mind that has progressed in the knowledge of God and divine wisdom, and a conscience that obeys Him, will be rewarded with a special prize in paradise. Their enjoyment will be multiplied by a thousand with the knowledge and wisdom given to them. On the other hand, an individual who denies God, a heart that shows enmity towards Him, a mind that does not wish to know Him, and a conscience that disobeys Him, will be punished in a special way in hell. The mind will suffer from ignorance, the heart from blindness, and the conscience from remorse for their disobedience…”
“Los versículos en esta etiqueta muestran que aquellos destinados al infierno sufrirán el tormento de la conciencia por toda su existencia.”
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“Saludos y oraciones…” significa “Greetings and prayers…” en español.”Preguntas sobre el Islam”