“Dear brother/sister,”
“- This service has been provided to the extent that the concept of Bilakis, which has reached its deadline and has begun to be seen as a very ugly phenomenon in the global community of humanity and in the civilized world, has been eliminated from Islamic literature and from the vocabulary of Muslims.”
“Como respuesta, se puede ver.”
“Incluso en esta situación, se entiende que la religión del Islam no favorece la esclavitud, pero debido a que en aquellos días no era posible eliminarla completamente, no se abolieron directamente.”A pesar de la situación, se entiende que la religión del Islam no aprueba la esclavitud, pero debido a que en aquellos tiempos no era posible eliminarla por completo, no se abolió directamente.
“However, recommendations have been made for it to completely disappear in the future, the status of slavery has been reorganized and slaves/servants have been given something unprecedented.”
“When the Islamic religion arrived, it found itself in a world where slavery was an established system. Because it was a valid system worldwide, it was impossible to abolish it suddenly.”
“Due to this, the Islamic religion was able to transform the status of slavery into a form that is dignified for humanity, through a completely different organizational system. According to this:”
“From now on, nobody will call anyone a slave.””- No somos esclavos de nadie”
“- Gentlemen, do not refuse to share the same assembly with them…” = “- Caballeros, no se nieguen a compartir la misma asamblea con ellos…”
“- When Muslims commit a religious mistake, the first action they must do as expiation”
“Esta etiqueta se refiere a un contrato mutuo entre un hombre y una mujer, ambos libres (y por lo tanto, dueños de sus propios cuerpos), para formar una familia y beneficiarse mutuamente en términos sexuales.”
“El contrato y la posesión que permiten tener una cariye son también un acto legal, y este acto legal otorga al poseedor el derecho a vivir con la cariye como si fueran esposos y esposas, siendo más fuerte y completo que el contrato de matrimonio y reemplazándolo en su lugar.”
“Saludos y oraciones…””Questions about Islam” = “Preguntas sobre el Islam”