“Dear brother/sister,”
“Whether dead or alive, if a person is present and we say something that causes them harm, then what we say is considered gossip/defamation.”
“Apologizing to those we have spoken ill of is the ideal gateway to repentance. If we do not have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, we must pray frequently for the person we spoke ill of and beg God for their forgiveness. Additionally, as a principle, when we gossip or unintentionally listen to gossip, we must confess it without getting up from our place.”
“Se ha dicho que no hay ningún problema en hablar mal de aquellos que se llaman sabios. Esto no se hace por motivos personales, sino para evitar que los musulmanes sean engañados. No hay ningún problema en señalar las acciones malvadas de una persona malvada o hipócrita.”
“¡Saludos y oraciones…!””Questioning about Islam”