“- I have a beautiful talking bird at home; is there any religious issue with that?” “- ¿Hay algún problema religioso con tener un pájaro parlante en casa?”
“Dear brother/sister,”
“Todos los cielos profundos, y también todas las frescuras de la tierra, pertenecen al reino de los pájaros. Su libertad es infinita, y su territorio de beneficio es ilimitado.”
“No tiene sentido separar a alguien de su amplio mundo y condenarlo a una vida agonizante aquí, probablemente no sea compatible con la razón y la lógica humanas, incluso la compasión humana no ve esto como algo razonable.”
“Furthermore, there is no benefit or legitimate outcome in keeping a bird with such a wide life in such a small cage. It is only for the personal pleasure of the owner and the individual experience.”
“Warning: This pleasure and flavor are extracted from the lament and agony of the little bird trapped and imprisoned in its vast world, you can hear its cry of separation. It is like a pleasure to enjoy the suffering of some creatures. That is why,”
“However, I see no inconvenience in feeding and taking care of birds in small spaces that can only live in cages and do not have habits outside of them.”
“Feed the birds like a bird fed for sacrifice. However, it is considered inadvisable to feed pigeons that some have turned into a disease, as it serves no purpose other than to engage in a useless activity. In fact, in some works it has been noted that feeding and playing with pigeons just for fun can lead to poverty.”
“Cuando se mencionó la curiosidad de las palomas en Medina, Hazret-i Osman (ra) investigó la situación y de inmediato impuso una prohibición, explicando que tratar con las palomas era una tarea inútil que desperdiciaba el valioso tiempo, y castigó a quienes lo hacían.”
“Este producto no está recomendado para niños menores de 3 años debido a que su tiempo de juego y diversión con el pájaro se ha excluido. Sin embargo, el hecho de que los niños se sorprendan al ver por primera vez las características de esta especie de ave y tengan una etapa de asombro y habla no debe ser considerado como una pérdida de tiempo. Más bien, se debe ver como una oportunidad para aprender y familiarizarse con esta criatura.”
“The condition for this is also not to cause torture, not to make the animal suffer.”
“Due to not being considered beneficial for the bird fed in a cage, it has been registered that it is not recommended to keep the egg-laying chicken in captivity and waiting. This is because there is no benefit in it.”
“Hello and prayers…” “Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”
“Feeding birds in a cage is cruelty. Birds do not belong in a cage. It is not necessary for the Prophet Muhammad to forbid it. What good is reason and conscience?”