“- En los escritos sobre Hz. Mehdi, se dice que Allah aceptará su arrepentimiento y lo guiará hacia el camino correcto en un solo día.””- Can we say that, from these words, in the early years of Hz. Mehdi’s life, he will not be a great possessor of fear of God, he will develop a lot in terms of knowledge, but sometimes he may even commit minor sins, at least after going through a period of struggling against sins, will he be elevated by Allah with great repentance?””Además, ¿será el Mahdi muy rico?”
“Dear brother/sister,”
“- Repentance is not mentioned in the hadith related to Mehdi. The relevant hadith is narrated by Hz. Ali: The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) said the following:”
“The purpose of this reform is not to distance oneself from sins. On the contrary, it is for Hz. Mehdi to acquire a new personality capable of fulfilling his mission as Mehdi and becoming a beacon of guidance.”
“La riqueza mencionada en relación a Mehdi no le pertenece a él, sino que pertenece a su época y a la comunidad musulmana. El siguiente hadiz también debe ser considerado en este contexto.””La riqueza mencionada en relación a Mehdi no es suya, sino que pertenece a su época y a la comunidad musulmana. El siguiente hadiz también debe ser considerado en este contexto.”
“Considering that Jesus and the Messiah are men from the same era, this wealth belongs to the same era.”
“- Ebu Said el-Hudrî is narrating: Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:”
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“Saludos y oraciones…” = “Greetings and prayers…””Questions about Islam” –> “Preguntas sobre el Islam”