“¿Cómo puedo curar mi adicción a mirarme constantemente en el espejo?”


‘Detalle de la pregunta’

“Este campo está vacío”


“Dear brother/sister,”

“If there is dirt on a person’s face or nose, this sees it and cleans it with this means, without bothering anyone.”

“- But as in everything else, also in looking at yourself in the mirror”

“Una de las características de alguien que tiene tendencia a mirarse demasiado en el espejo es:”

En esta situación, feel the need to frequently look at herself in the mirror so that neither she nor those who observe her from the outside can find the slightest flaw in her.

“With the purpose of compensating for this, she wants to improve herself as much as possible. To do this, she feels the need to look at herself frequently in the mirror.”

“- Both emotions are incorrect. Because both are extreme. Excessive arrogance leads a person to arrogance, to arrogance; excessive pessimism leads to despair, hopelessness. In our opinion, there is nothing wrong with being cautious about it.”

“Estas dos condiciones mentales llevan a la persona a enfocarse en lo material, a adorar la materia y a percibirla. Esto también la aleja.”

“Remember that in this world, each person can find someone more beautiful than themselves, but they can also find someone more ugly. Therefore, everyone should know how to be grateful to God for the structure they have been given.”

“La persona desea mostrar con orgullo las cualidades que posee. Sin embargo, algunas de estas cualidades están relacionadas con las ganancias de la persona. Otras son las hermosuras creadas por Dios en ella.”

“Por ejemplo, having good character, fulfilling religious obligations, fearing God, respecting God, loving others and seeking knowledge are qualities of this kind. We must recognize that these qualities are gifts, favors and blessings from God.” “Por ejemplo, tener un buen carácter, cumplir con las obligaciones religiosas, temer a Dios, respetar a Dios, amar a los demás y buscar conocimiento son cualidades de este tipo. Debemos reconocer que estas cualidades son regalos, favores y bendiciones de Dios.”

“Other virtues belong to the person themselves, without their intervention. For example, boasting about virtues such as being handsome, having a good height, being attractive… is like stealing God’s gifts, appropriating his goods and diverting the gratitude and satisfaction that should be given to Him towards our own desires and whims.”

“Este texto se refiere a asignar una parte para uno mismo debido a las bendiciones del alma y el cuerpo otorgadas por Dios. Sin embargo, caer en la arrogancia y alejarse de la verdad, así como también despreciar y menospreciar estas bendiciones creadas por Dios y no apreciarlas, tiene el mismo significado.”

“Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”

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